Vemto now supports Laravel Jetstream and Breeze - 0.8.1 Changelog

Welcome to version 0.8.1 of Vemto.

There are a lot of features and improvements we hope you like. Please read this changelog carefully, as there are potential breaking changes on this new version.

Jetstream and Breeze support 🚀

Now Vemto supports generating beautiful Laravel projects using the official Jetstream (with Livewire) and Breeze starter kits.


Dynamic File Generation 🗃️

On previous versions, Vemto always generated the code deleting and overwriting the files on disk, making it hard to add new modules to your project after changing it. Now, Vemto will take care of files you have changed manually, and will skip overwriting their content:


And, better than that, it will show what changed, allowing you to manually add the improvements to your file or to overwrite it:


Now, Vemto will avoid removing files from your disk, except for files from removed modules. For example, if you remove a Model from your Schema, Vemto will delete the related files (if not manually changed) from the disk (migrations, policies, controllers, etc) by default (you can disable this behavior before starting the Code Generation)

Migrations 📋

With the new Dynamic File Generation system, it is necessary to track the migrations generated for each Model and Table on your project.

Vemto does it automatically, but it is recommended, for Old Projects, to check the Migrations Tab inside the Project Settings to see if Vemto attributed the existent migrations settings correctly (mainly the option Migrations date prefix that needs to be filled):


If you have no migrations generated on your project folder, don't worry, Vemto will register them after the next Code Generation.

Please notice that some Models or tables don't have a Foreigns Migration because they don't have relationships. It is normal that some of these entities have an empty field for these migrations. Vemto will take care of filling these settings when necessary.

Tracked Files browser 📋

Now you can preview all files generated, skipped, and tracked by Vemto on the new Tracked Files page.


Inside this page, you can perform some actions:

  • Compare Diff - This allows you to compare the difference between the code generated by Vemto and the current file content on the disk
  • Untrack file - When confirmed, stop tracking a file until the next Code Generation. It allows Vemto to overwrite the file when you generate the code again (after that, the file is automatically tracked by Vemto again)
  • Untrack all files - When confirmed, stop tracking all files until the next Code Generation

Other small improvements and bug fixes🐞

  • Improved the initial git clone command speed
  • Moved the npm install and the npm run dev commands to the code generation
  • Fixed to allow creating models with a name that is the same on singular and plural. E.g. News
  • Added soft-delete assertion on Controller Tests
  • Fixed timestamp format for date input
  • Added table callbacks to the migrations (onDelete('cascade'), etc)
  • Fixed problems with the Schema builder overwriting CRUD forms settings
  • Fixed seeders to avoid recursive calls when a model has multiple relationships with itself
Tiago Rodrigues

by Tiago Rodrigues

Software Developer. Creator of Vemto. Find me on Twitter.


A Desktop Laravel code generator that will power the way you start new Laravel Projects.
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